Why is Volleyball Considered a Good Aerobic Exercise?

Volleyball is a thrilling sport. Typical body workouts burn calories. But games like volleyball are both fun and workout, in addition to being an enthusiastic sport and an excellent form of aerobic exercise. Aerobic exercises give us health benefits like calorie burning, cardiovascular benefits and strength development. Playing Volleyball for twenty minutes can provide the advantage of one mile of jogging. A surprising fact! In this play, players use a large group of body muscles. You can burn plenty of calories in Volleyball. Do you want to know how Volleyball contributes to our overall well-being and fitness? Well. This piece of writing is for you. In this article, we are going to understand how Volleyball is a good aerobic exercise.

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Improves Lung Capacity

The main benefit of the aerobic nature of Volleyball is the improvement in lung capacity. Deep and controlled breathing during the game enhances the oxygen-carrying capacity of the lungs. Lungs contribute to respiratory efficiency. During Volleyball, a player takes deeper breaths. Thus increasing the demand for oxygen. More efficient oxygen transport to muscles improves lung efficiency. So, the muscles of the diaphragm become stronger because of regular use.

Calories burning potential of Volleyball

As you know, Treadmill and step aerobic sessions help us burn calories. In addition to these exercises, team sports also give us calorie burning. The setting and intensity of a volleyball game determine the number of calories burned. Diving, jumping and quick lateral movements in volleyball burn calories. When our body constantly moves in Volleyball, it increases our heart rate. Thus, an increased heart rate will boost the metabolism of the body. A rapid metabolism burns calories.

Improved Agility and Balance

Professional Athletes say that continuous jumps, turns, and movements in all directions help the body build proprioceptive abilities. Proprioception is the property of the body to sense its position, like a GPS. The body learns to make adjustments to different positions to maintain balance. Each movement strengthens proprioception. Proprioception is not an aerobic exercise. However, movements in Volleyball enhance the proprioceptive skills that contribute to the body’s aerobic exercise.

Full Body Workout

Volleyball is an engaging body exercise. It gives the benefit of a full-body workout. Like a whole-body exercise, it gives us cardiovascular, muscular, and weight loss benefits. Volleyball engages all types of body muscles in exercise. It enhances the overall physical conditioning of the body.

Cardiovascular Health

Continuous jumping, running and other movements improve our heart activity and performance. These conscious movements improve blood circulation in our body and maintain healthy blood pressure. Definitely, it is decreasing the risk of heart diseases such as myocardial infarction. Do you know?. As an aerobic exercise volleyball also contributes to lower cholesterol level. Thus, it reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.

Complete Muscle Toning

Volleyball gives strength to the muscles of the legs and feet. Continuous squatting and using your legs gives the benefit of a full-body workout. Playing Volleyball for 40 and 50 minutes three times a week can improve your muscles to a considerable degree. For beginner players it is advised to start playing Volleyball for 20 to 30 minutes and slowly start increasing the time. Improvement in muscles can be seen after two to three months of playing Volleyball.

Reduction of Body Fat

Calories burning through playing volleyball reduce the body’s fat. Volleyball is a mixed physical activity. Volleyball professionals say that you should walk three days a day to reduce walking. The remaining day of the week should be devoted to playing Volleyball. However, the energy expenditure in Volleyball depends upon the intensity and duration.

Obesity Prevention

The most important benefit of aerobic exercise is burning calories. Burning of calories results in weight reduction to prevent obesity. Obesity can cause fatal diseases such as diabetes(type-2) and heart disease if you want to lose one pound of weight in a week. You have to burn five hundred calories in a week. If you play volleyball for an hour a day, you weigh 200 pounds. You can burn 364 calories.


Volleyball is an excellent aerobic exercise. It gives us the benefit of a full-body workout. Thus, it engages the muscles of the body. Volleyball improves the oxygen-carrying capacity of the lungs by increasing the demand for oxygen. Jumping, diving, and regular body movements contribute to calorie burning. Calorie burning can prevent a person from obesity.
As you know, obesity can be fatal if not controlled. Moreover, muscle toning is an additional benefit of Volleyball. Additionally, Volleyball improves agility and balance of the body by activating proprioception.
Picture of About David Muse

About David Muse

Hi, I'm David Muse, the founder of Volleyball Spikes. My days are spent with workouts and article writing, mostly for Volleyball Spikes. With 15 years of expertise and a history of competing on an international scale... It's fair to say that my knowledge of volleyball is pretty good.